Wow, haven't touched this site in a while.
Not sure why I ended up here, but now that I am, I might as well do something.
Relationship issues are plaguing me at the moment; not really sure how I should be feeling. Oh well.
It's 2:30 AM, and I have class at 8. Nothing is going to get done in that class.
I just have to get through the rest of tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, then it is Christmas break. Woo! I will be going out to visit my dad in Miami, then I will be going to visit his family in DC and Philadelphia area for Christmas and New Year's. During that time, I will have to be working on my schoolwork and labs, which currently involves robots, artificial intelligence, and software requirements. It's so much goddamn fun doing this stuff.
Holy fuck it's only Tuesday. God damn it, it needs to be break already.